14 January 2011

Very Verbose Mode

Very, very, very verbose-mode

A lot of command line programs have what's called verbosity. That controls how much the program tells you about what it's doing. Usually looks something like this:


     Send verbose output to standard error describing what [Program]
     is doing.  Using `-v' or `--verbose' increases the verbosity by
     one; using `--verbose=N' sets it to N.

If the verbosity is low, it might print out out something like:


or even nothing at all, but if it's set high, it might print out something like:

Initializing arrays 
Initializing globals  
Reading global init file /etc/acme
File ~/.acmerc not found

and so forth.

So I wondered, just how high can you set it? Only one way to find out: try it! So:

% acme --verbose=100

and here's the output:

Welcome to the Acme utility!

First thing I'm going to do is initialize.  Haven't done it yet, I'm
just telling you what I'm going to do.  Here goes!

I'm initializing.

OK, so far so good.  

Now that I've started initializing, first thing I'm going to do is set
up the arrays.  But first I'm gonna tell you a little story about
three cowboys in the 1890's.  Now these three cowpokes was on the
Wyoming trail - you know, that's a long trail.  Runs clear from, well,
I don't rightly know, but anyways, it's pretty long.  Now one cowboy
says to the others

and so forth. Lots and lots of so forth.

1 comment:

  1. That's a whole new breed of bloatware ;-)

    Btw sometimes verbosity can be increased by issuing several -v's, i.e. acme -v -v -v -v ...
